
Off to Africa

Yes, tomorrow is departure day.  6pm out of Toronto to Nairobi via Zurich.  That is about the extent of our arrangements so far, but I have assured the family everything will work out just fine.  Really, what can go wrong?

This is the first time on the blog figuring out how it works so this is less of a blog post and more of a test of my technical abilities.  If this works then I should probably move onto planning something for Janet for our 13th anniversary - which is today.  

We are looking forward to what will hopefully be an experience of a lifetime.  I think the concept of this blog is to be part trip journal - so we have a record for ourselves - and partly to share experiences.  I am not sure how much internet connection we will have so the postings could be days or weeks in between.  That is kind of a disclaimer, mainly so our families will not worry abut us..... likely the only real subscribers!

Bye for now, Ron

1 comment:

  1. Your trip sounds amazing so far! As predicted, I am sitting here drinking my morning coffee and reading about your adventures. Are the girls loving it too? You sound great. Well, we move in 5 days! Better get my ass in gear. Love the Blog!

    xo to all, Lis
